A play written by Ignace Cornelissen / In English
With Friederike Schreiber, Willy Combecher, Sigi Herold, Horst Kiss
Inéz Derksen Direction
Henry is still young when he becomes king of England. The treasury is empty but the castle desperately needs renovating. In an old book he reads that France used to belong to England, and furthermore, that there is a wonderful castle in France. Now Henry wants to possess the castle and the rest of France for that matter. Firstly, he tries to marry the daughter of the old French king. When that does not succeed he begins a bloody war which lasts for so long that in the end no one knows why it actually started.
The play “Henry the Fifth” deals with how people act and what they forget when they are after something with all their might which they wish to possess. And yet, with force one can not attain every thing. A story which tells of how too great a desire for possession and recognition hopelessly prevent one from liking people. The play flows between direct narration and playful performance with much merriment and simplicity. A stage play for children 8 years onwards and adults. As foreign language from 8th class onwards or after 3 years of English lessons. Upon request, we support schools and parents with accompanying theater educational aterial, which includes a playrelated vocabulary list.
Anmeldungen von Schulklassen an:kulturbuero@friedrichshafen.de
Einheitspreis: 4 Euro
Veranstaltungsort & Veranstalter
Kiesel im k42
Karlstraße 42
88045 Friedrichshafen
Kulturbüro Friedrichshafen
Olgastraße 21
88045 Friedrichshafen
Tel. +49 7541 203-53300
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